Donations to TAR UMT

Dear Alumni,
Re: Donation drive to build an iconic “Student Centre” by the Alumni at TAR UMT Main Campus in KL
I am sure that all of you as part of the Alumni are keen to see the continuous developments and progress of TAR UMT. The University has over 190,000 alumni who are very successful in one way or another in their careers and they indeed form an integrated part of the TARCian community. Having formed such a strong connection with the University, you all would want to be part of the University’s relentless drive to continue to provide quality and affordable education to the future generation of our country.
In providing quality teaching and learning, the University is constantly upgrading its infrastructure and while most of the past infrastructural developments are very much academic related, the recent prioritised development in the drawing board is the construction of a Student Centre with a projected financial outlay of RM30 million. Such prioritisation reflects the emphasis on social interaction and community activities to foster soft skills and creativity. The Student Centre will be a synergistic hub of all students’ activities as compared to the current situation whereby students’ activities are being held at different places in the campus grounds. Given such importance, the niversity College deems it timely to call upon its alumni to be part of this noble project in enhancing students’ development. I urge all alumni to work together to partly contribute RM15 million to the construction of the Student Centre.
The Student Centre will house the following facilities to cater to the recreation and welfare needs of the students and to meet the desired objective in encouraging active student participation in extracurricular activities like involvement in societies and clubs.
a) A multi -purpose hall for various activities and exhibition;
b) An open air auditorium for students’ performances;
c) Student Welfare Committee Offices;
d) Rooms for meetings, seminars, indoor games & storage;
e) Music rooms for Chinese Orchestra Choir, Chamber Orchestra Dance & Karaoke;
f) Rooms for martial art/self defence and first aid;
g) Project Corridor for students to prepare projects and assignments and
h) Cafeteria and retail stores (book, stationery & souvenir, clinic, ICT, sport & recreation and hair saloon)
I urge all alumni to make this donation drive a success by doing their part to assist your Alma Mater in realising the development plans for a Student Centre. It is certainly an opportune time for you as an alumnus to take pride in playing an important role to further enhance the premier status of your alma mater. With each of us contributing to the total sum, we can make this centre a possibility. Each Ringgit counts. It is your participation and the spirit of giving back to the University that we seek.
I look forward to working together with the Alumni to achieve the target donation and to actively contribute to the legacy of TAR UMT.
Yours sincerely,
President of TAR UMT